Mr. Rifai Mardin (Indonesia)
Lecturer Department of Architecture
Tadulako University
Urban and Regional Planning
Sustainability Urban Planning
Research Interest:
Urban land-use planning
Collaborative planning and Mapping
Resilience city
Smart City
Transportation Planning
Temporary Evacuation Shelter (TES) Location for Children and Elderly People, an Accessibility Model in Palu
Earthquake and tsunami affected Central Sulawesi, Indonesia have been recorded since 1927. The Watusampu Earthquake delivered 15 meters of tsunami wave around Palu Bay. In 1938 and 1968 Tsunami also affected bay area with its 10 meters tsunami wave. The last recorded tsunami in Palu bay was 4 meters high which washed out Tonggolobibi village in 1996. Tsunami affected everything especially habitants in the area, the worst to vulnerable age groups as children and elderly people. The objective of this study was to determine the location of vertical evacuation of buildings, a Temporary Evacuation Shelter – TES, in densely populated Palu urban area and along the Palu River by using network analysis.
The Method of analysis was a network analysis within GIS environment. Using the previous study on children and elderly people walking speed ability, the research is creating scenarios within 5 minute walking distance to 30 minutes walking distance to the possibe TES Locations and evaluate the area served by TES.
The result of this study has shown several vulnerable areas during the tsunami hazard and proposing the possibility of putting new TES-able location to be accessed by the most vulnerable groups, those are the children and elderly people.
TES, Network Analisys, Children and Elderly People, Evacuation